Enjoy a little Positivity Through Poetry at The Brunswick

Need a little pick-me-up? Or something to brighten your day? 

We’ve teamed up with legendary poet, James McInerny, to provide you with a few moments of positivity throughout the summer.

You’ll be able to see several new poems every week, by James, displayed on chalk boards here at The Brunswick. These thought provoking pieces are created to inspire, amuse and promote a positive mind-set within the community, so whether you’re in need of some Monday motivation or mid-week inspiration, why not pop down and have a read?

James has recently taken the UK arts scene by storm with his poems in the public realm. They are currently being showcased at a number of locations across the capital including throughout the London Underground and Stansted airport.



We’re working closely with London creatives to continue to create an arts hub in the heart of Bloomsbury and the ‘Positivity Through Poetry’ event follows the introduction of our ‘Brunswick Unplugged’, live music event on Saturday lunchtimes. So watch this space as this continues to grow…